Thank you for helping to Save The Super Tuskers
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Join Us to #SavetheSuperTuskers
Once thought to have all but completely vanished by the hands of humans after their 200+ lbs of mammoth tusks, today there are only an estimated *24* super tusk elephants still roaming the Earth. Yet their disappearance can be prevented.
Please join me in supporting @drewdoggettphotography’s #SaveTheSuperTuskers campaign benefiting the @TsavoTrust, a Kenyan non-profit that protects super tusk elephants from poachers after their ivory. With the recent pandemic, Tsavo Trust has had to cut their operating capacity by 40% due to loss of funding leaving these extraordinary elephants more vulnerable than ever.
Make a small donation now through the link in @drewdoggettphotography’s bio or by visiting bit.ly/supertuskers to help keep these elephants safe. 100% of the donation proceeds will go to @TsavoTrust; our goal is to raise $100K USD.
You can also help by reposting the above image, “The Mighty Tusker,” captured by Drew Doggett. It features super tusker Craig who is believed to be the largest living tusked elephant left on Earth. He is the face of all we have to lose if we do not act now.